“Every child deserves a parent, but not every parent deserves a child.”

This is so annoying and makes me so mad when I see women who are pregnant and smoke! So many women who can’t have children would kill to have that little miracle and some women act like it’s no big deal. Women who go out and party, drink, do drugs and pawn their kids off on others should not be able to reproduce. Go home and take care of your children like a good mother would. It just breaks my heart.

One thought on ““Every child deserves a parent, but not every parent deserves a child.”

  1. What you said resonated with me so well. I have PCOS and I have had two second trimester miscarriages due to what the doctors say is “incompetent cervix”. I would give anything to have both of my baby boys back. I have a girlfriend who’s boyfriend is buddies with my man. She just recently had her baby. Her and her boyfriend would come over and play cards with us while she was pregnant. She would chain smoke like its no tomorrow, but then complain about how she can’t eat fish and many other things while she’s pregnant because it would harm the baby. It annoyed me so much because I felt like she wasn’t grateful to just be pregnant and not have to worry about losing her baby like I did. She also got into a car accident and had a couple of falls during her pregnancy, but her baby made it healthy and okay; and honestly I wouldn’t have it any other way. But it hurts, because when I was pregnant, I did everything so perfect, especially the second time around. I was even on bed rest from 13 weeks and had a surgical cerclage placed around my cervix. Not only did I have to go into the OR twice during my pregnancy, I still had my baby naturally and still didn’t get to take a baby home. This time around the doctor doesn’t even had any answers. So yes, I am annoyed and jealous of other women who take their innocent pregnancies for granted. Only and only if I could get pregnant and was sure I could have a baby to take home 9 months later, would my life be different. -Fant

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