My body feels broken

So today was my week 4 follow up with my doctor to go over what my ultrasounds looked like from about 3 weeks ago. Everything turned out okay which I was overly shocked because my last OB/GYN told me I had cysts on my ovaries and that one ovary was enlarged. Well today that was not what I was told. I was told my ovaries do not have cysts nor an enlarged ovary. I was shocked! I mean very shocked! So I asked me does that mean I don’t have PCOS and have been lied to all along? He told me no because having poly cystic ovaries is different from poly cystic ovarian syndrome. So we had a good long talk about that. I was getting overly optimistic about my body not being broken but looks like I just keep starting over and over again. My testosterone levels are too high still and can’t get started on clomid just yet because he explained it rarely works when your testosterone is too high. I was very upset because I am so ready to have a baby. I just want to scream and cry because it’s so frustrating to not be able to have sex and bam you get a baby as “normal” women do. I feel less of a women because I have to be on treatments just to get a child when a women’s body is MADE to have a child. I just want my baby. That’s it! So I have no idea when I will have my miracle. I feel fat, self conscious, moody, emotional. I keep thinking when I do end up pregnant that I won’t have that beautiful baby bump because I’m overweight. I just feel broken like there is no hope. I try to be as positive as I can but it is so hard to when you just feel like everything is against me and that this process never ends. I still have no answers why my uterus and ovaries hurt so much. It would be nice to have some answers all at once but I guess that’s not the case. Sex seems more of a job than making love to my husband and doesn’t get enjoyable. I’m only 23..I shouldn’t feel this way.

2 thoughts on “My body feels broken

  1. Have you ever tried speariment tea? From my own research on PCOS, I found that speariment tea helps lower testosterone. It has even helped some women ovulate. Some people drink this tea everyday, and some people just drink it twice a day during their menstrual. I just thought I would bring to your attention something natural you can try to help lower your testosterone. After doing your own research you may decide you want to try it. Let me know how it works if you do try. -Fant

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