Supplements for PCOS

Supplements for PCOS

I’m a avid fan of pinterest especially when it come to looking for remedies for my PCOS. I came across this post of supplements that are a good choice if you have PCOS. I would also add cinnamon, spirulina, chlorella, maca, aloe, & apple cider vinegar daily. I have hear Maca Root is very good for PCOS and I am hoping to get my hands on some to try.

3 thoughts on “Supplements for PCOS

  1. I’m a supplement addict too! I too have PCOS! I take fish oil, pre-natals, baby aspirin, Co-Q10, bee polen/royal Jelly/propolis mix capsules, B complex, probiotics, and extra folic acid (because I read that it might increase your chances for twins and I really really want twins).. I take maca too every now and then, it takes like dirt and you can’t have it everyday indefinitely.. for it to be effective you have to take it on and off. What does Fenugreek do?

    • Thank you for in the info on what you take! I really need to start back with my supplements. The Fenugreek helps aid in digestion and helps if you are constipated often like I am unfortunately because pcos can cause it. Also men can take it to help with low sperm count and helps your milk supply so definatley something to think about taking once you are pregnant. Baby dust to you sweet pea!

      • Oh my gosh! How have I never heard of this before? In all my countless hours with Dr. Google Fenugreek has never come up! I’m gonna talk to my RE about it. And you’re right, I am always constipated (which is why I take probiotics) because of PCOS and also because of my hypothyroidism (makes me not digest gluten so well, but I can’t stop eating it lol). Also great to know about the sperm count! Thank you so much!

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