Insomnia and Hormone Issues


It’s about 2:51 a.m and I’m not asleep. I have to be up in 5 hours to get ready and go with my mom and maw-maw to her eye appointment. I really hate having insomnia. I can’t remember the last time I had a good night’s sleep without waking up feeling like I just partied last night. Melatonin helps me sleep but I hear it’s not good for you and others say it’s okay to take it. It also makes me feel like I have a hangover of a morning and gives me a killer headache. Seems like the only thing to help me sleep though. I hate insomnia and hormones. Tonight hasn’t been the greatest of nights for me. I hurt, I’m emotional, I’m mad, etc. UGH! Any other women have these issues with PCOS? I feel so overwhelmed with life right now. I’m trying to finish up college and I’m only one semester away from finishing! Yay! I could not be more ecstatic. Along with all these doctor appointments, my life is hectic. I miss my husband so much tonight but thankfully he will be on his way back from Texas! I always love seeing him. He always brightens my day and makes things better. On another note..I go back on the 9th for more blood work to see if I’m diabetic without being on metformin. Last appointment I went, my blood sugar was high. 108 over something, can’t remember. I wasn’t taking my metfomin regularly before my blood work so I’m not sure what it is while I’m on it. Has anyone ever seen a dramatic change in blood sugar while on Metformin? Also I would love any suggestions on what helps the sickness while on Metformin because it makes me so sick!