Supplements for PCOS

Supplements for PCOS

I’m a avid fan of pinterest especially when it come to looking for remedies for my PCOS. I came across this post of supplements that are a good choice if you have PCOS. I would also add cinnamon, spirulina, chlorella, maca, aloe, & apple cider vinegar daily. I have hear Maca Root is very good for PCOS and I am hoping to get my hands on some to try.

“Every child deserves a parent, but not every parent deserves a child.”

This is so annoying and makes me so mad when I see women who are pregnant and smoke! So many women who can’t have children would kill to have that little miracle and some women act like it’s no big deal. Women who go out and party, drink, do drugs and pawn their kids off on others should not be able to reproduce. Go home and take care of your children like a good mother would. It just breaks my heart.

I Choose…

I Choose...

Always remember your self worth. Never let someone tell you that you are not good enough. People don’t realize that PCOS is a disease and a very hard thing to deal with. People say “you don’t look sick” That’s correct because it’s known as the “invisible illness”. Deep down women with it are sick.